
Fate Apocrypha Subtitle Indonesia

Fate Apocrypha Subtitle Indonesia
Fate Apocrypha Subtitle Indonesia

Sinopsis Fate Apocrypha

Pada dahulu kala, di kota Fuyuki pernah diadakan sebuah ritual kuno yang bernama “Perang Cawan Suci” yang melibatkan tujuh master (penyihir) dan tujuh roh pahlawan (servant). Akan tetapi, ketika perang kedua belah pihak sedang berlangsung, beberapa master memanfaatkan kekacauan yang terjadi untuk mencuri Cawan Suci. Berpuluh-puluh tahun telah berlalu, keluarga Yggdmillennia yang mengambil Cawan Suci membelot dari Asosiasi Penyihir dan memproklamirkan kebebasan mereka. Asosiasi sangat marah akan hal itu dan mengirimkan pasukan untuk menghadapi Yggdmillennia, tapi mereka dikalahkan oleh para servant yang telah dibangkitkan. Dengan Cawan Suci, sistem peperangan berubah. Skala perang yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya pun tidak bisa dielakkan lagi. Era baru Perang Cawan Suci Agung pun telah dimulai.

The setting is a parallel world to Fate/stay night where the Greater Grail mysteriously disappeared from Fuyuki after the Third Holy Grail War. After many years of silence, around the same time as the Fifth Holy Grail War would have happened, the Yggdmillennia, a family of magi, openly declares their secession from the Mage's Association, and that they are in possession of the Grail. The Association dispatches fifty magi to retrieve it, and all but one are instantly slaughtered by a mysterious Servant. The one remaining manages to activate the reserve system of the Greater Grail, allowing for the summoning of fourteen Servants in total. 

In the city of Trifas, two factions will fight for the control of the sacred relic, each of them possessing their own team of seven Servants: the Black Faction whose members are part of Yggdmillennia, protecting the Grail, and the Red Faction whose members were sent by the Mage's Association, trying to take the Grail back. For an event of this scale, the Grail itself summons its own Servant, the holy Ruler, to oversee the conflict.

Informasi dan Detail Anime Fate Apocrypha

Judul Alternatif: Fate/Apocrypha
Tipe Siaran: TV
Episodes: 25
Status: Sedang Tayang
Mulai Penayangan: 2 Juli 2017 - ?
Musim: Panas 2017
Produser: Aniplex
Studio: A-1 Pictures
Sumber Cerita: Light Novel
Genre: Action, Historical, Supernatural, Drama, Magic, Fantasy

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